Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Listings!

There are two new cards for sale in the Half Empty Press etsy shop! A Posse Ad Esse (from possibility to reality) was designed for a friend who just graduated from a nurse practitioner program this summer. Now that her big day has passed, the beautiful Gocco-printed cards that she used as graduation announcements are available for others to purchase.

The other new card is a New Year's card that I've been meaning to print for more than a year...and isn't it cute? Letterpress printed, and in my favorite size--the tiny 4-bar. I have lots, so you might want to order enough for all your holiday card needs.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Holidays Hit the Aisles

Whew, it's only October, but the Christmas aisle in the grocery store is already set up right next to the Halloween aisle. Let this be a reminder to us all that we should buy handmade! Don't give in to the temptation to buy some piece of mass-produced plastic crap when you can instead proudly purchase something unique. Support an individual artist or crafter instead of supporting a huge, soulless corporation.

I started school this fall and it's taking up all my free time...so much for new card designs! I will try and get at least one new card out by Christmas, and I need to list some other gifty things that I make as well...anyone need an exceptionally nice coptic-bound journal tucked inside the cover of a cool old book? I've got several.

Also here in the Half Empty sphere, my typewriter collection is increasing...I got three new typewriters, one of which has an awesome sans serif font. Now I just need a way to display them all. Suggestions?

Well, heartbreak always seems to happen around the holidays, so you might want to stock up on "I've Moved On" cards so you'll be prepared. Bye for now...it's time for more studying!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Half Empty Press at Portland Zine Symposium

So I used to organize the Portland Zine Symposium, but I didn't this year or last year. But I went on Sunday, and checked out all the tables...

I really liked some other etsy sellers who I met there: Aijung Kim and SomaVenus. I also appreciated SteamPunk Magazine's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse. It had a lot of practical suggestions on how to build a house out of old tires filled with gravel and so on. Which sounds like I'm making fun, but actually, I really want to make a planter out of a big pole with paint cans of soil hanging from it.

A fun thing about the Zine Symposium was that I traded my cards for a lot of zines, and almost everyone had seen my cards before--either on etsy, or at a friend's house taped to the fridge, or in a store, or at last year's Zine Symposium. I felt famous.

Coming soon: on Tuesday, October 13th, I will be leading a Gocco workshop at the IPRC. Sign up now!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Burn your Bridges

Happy Fourth of July! I re-printed "I've Moved On" burning bridge cards today, so I will have plenty on hand when I get back from traveling. The Half Empty Press etsy shop will be closed from July 16th through August 16th while my girlfriend and I visit the Netherlands and Germany...so no orders will be filled during that time.

The bridge featured on the "I've Moved On" cards is the Hawthorne Bridge in Portland, Oregon, and that's where I'm going to be tonight--watching fireworks from my bike. The bombs-bursting-in-air aspect of the Fourth of July is not my cup of tea from a political perspective, but I sure do love fireworks.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Get-A-Letter Kits are Awesome

I know that I'm the one who makes them, but still, I think the get-a-letter kits are great. I spend so much time making them, it's like I'm actually putting together a cool package to send to a friend. So I think the people who buy them are getting something really special. Something almost exactly like an exciting letter from a friend!

P.S. I always write a personal note to everyone who buys something. So technically, you ARE getting a letter. And I'm pretty friendly, in my own antisocial way.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gocco Workshops from Half Empty Press

Hello Portland Friends:

Did you know I'm quitting my full-time job on June 14th to spend the summer having fun and spending more time on art? As part of this, I'll be offering more than my usual quota of Print Gocco classes. Print Gocco is a magical, amazing, simple printmaking method using a Japanese-designed machine that creates mini silkscreens AND acts as a tiny printing press. It's tons of fun and many of my cards are made with this method.

I'm doing Gocco workshop at Muse Art & Design on Hawthorne on Sunday, June 15th, if anyone's interested or has a friend who wants to go...it's $35, 2 hours, limited to six participants, and everyone gets to make their own Gocco screen. It's going to be cool, especially because it's three blocks from my house. And another 2-hour Basic Gocco workshop at the IPRC later on this summer...it looks like it will be Wednesday, June 25th, in the evening--$20 IPRC members, $30 non-members. Both of them also have an $8 materials fee.

Be there?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Orders sent out:

This week I mailed out postcard orders to Talya and Carolyn...and also a trade to Uleen!